Friday, January 9, 2009

Hello World

holy moly... colleen emailed me to say that i was the only loser without a blog! i had no idea... but it was so nice to read up on everyone. with everyone growing up and spreading around to different cities... i thought it was a nice idea that everyone could still keep up with eachother.

so i guess this is my first post and here are some updates:

spent my first christmas with chris - amazing... 17 people together christmas morning

working at a catering/special event mgmt company in San Antonio - love it

i love my puppies - they are doing very well... jager is almost 3!

living in an apt... looking for a house soon

hopefully going to grad school in the fall

i miss everyone...


  1. yay for whitney... now we need holly and sarah to get blogs to be complete... i miss you!
    <3 ashley

  2. hey whit! i hope you are doing excellent and from reading your blog it sounds like you are! Yes we will be in Pensacola in fact we will be there in approx. three four days! Of course yall can come visit us, that sounds fantastic! love you and keep in touch...p.s. what is your email?

  3. YAY! I'm going to love knowing what's going on with you! :)

    Keep updating!

  4. so, it's a pretty big tease to start a blog and then never follow up... you TEASE
